We help bring healthcare to communities that need it!TM

PHG finds a PCC physician for a PA-based hospital!

The Need:

This Lewiston, Pennsylvania-based hospital was in the midst of a two year search to replace a Pulmonary and Critical Care physician. They were searching for a general Pulmonary and Critical Care physician that would fill their void. Pinnacle Health Group worked quickly in implementing a recruitment campaign with the hospital administrators by proactively assessing what approach would work best for the facility.

The Action:

All physicians seem to respond in different ways. At Pinnacle Health Group, we are ready for that challenge! We exhaust every avenue, whether it’s internet sourcing, direct mail, e-mail, or leads referred from other recruiters. We take this approach to ensure that we make the perfect match for each and every opportunity.

To fill this Pulmonary and Critical Care need, Pinnacle deployed a direct mail and an internet sourcing campaign, but what proved to be the most effective in filling the need were the AMA e-mail campaigns.

The Result:

After advertising campaigns, the physician responded to an e-mail. The physician was the first presented to the client, and subsequently, the first interview before being hired. The location and responsibilities were two of the major factors for the physician choosing this opportunity. The hospital is now purchasing the equipment needed to help expand and improve their services, which was also a major selling point.

The physician fit their need perfectly, and it only took four months from the start of the search until the physician successfully practiced in their group.

If you are interested in our recruiting services please contact Mike Broxterman, Chief Operating Officer, at 1-800-492-7771 or send him an email. To view our physician opportunities click here.

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