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Little Red Flags-Are You Spotting Them?

By Michael P. Broxterman and Terry Lane, Staff Writer

You’re interviewing a physician who has attended a prestigious medical school, has impressive credentials, and knows all the right people. You better make that offer as quickly as possible, right? But something is wrong-you can’t quite put your finger on it. Could the fact that the physician arrived 10 minutes late, is wearing wrinkly clothing, is unprepared for the interview, and smells like he bathed in cologne actually cause you to rethink your offer? After all, these are only superficial things. But are they?

While experience, education, and references can tell you a lot of important things about a person, often it’s the little things that set colleagues apart. As a client, you need to look at the physician from the perspective of your patients. A physician who is late and unorganized to an event as formal and important as an interview is not likely to be punctual and organized on the job.

Additionally, poor appearance and hygiene indicate a lack of respect for themselves and for the person(s) they are meeting with, as well as, a lack of self esteem and/or common sense. For a physician, who works closely with people, it is extremely important that they practice good hygiene at all times. This includes clean, clipped and filed fingernails, and clean teeth and fresh breath. The physician interviewing should want to make a positive impression and should have went that extra mile to do so, such as getting their shoes shined or buying a new tie.

Our recruiters offer these tips concerning “the little things that mean a lot” before conducting your next interview. You can use these “musts” as a check list of little red flags:

Physicians must:

  • Show up on time.
  • Be prepared, have all of your paperwork in order.
  • Where clean, wrinkle-free clothes.
  • Where clean shoes in good condition.
  • Don’t overdo the aftershave or perfume.
  • When in doubt, less is more, be conservative with makeup, jewelry, colors, fabrics, etc.
  • Make sure you have fresh breath.
  • Make sure your fingernails are clipped, filed, and clean.
  • Turn off your cell phone and/or beeper before your interview.
  • Don’t interrupt the interview to make a phone call, put coins in the parking meter, etc.
  • Don’t smoke.
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