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What do physicians think of the healthcare reform?

Pinnacle Health Group conducted an email campaign by surveying physicians about their thoughts on the healthcare reform bill. The survey started in May and was continually sent to respondents until September 2010. We queried 5,000 actively practicing doctors, residents and fellows across the country, which yielded a 22% response rate. Almost two-thirds of doctors who answered the survey worked for a for-profit facility, while 35% worked in non-profit healthcare groups. The demographic of physicians who answered the survey are predominantly single specialty and hospital-employed physicians. (35.7% and 27.5%, respectively).

Pinnacle Health Group provides its expertise to EP Lab Digest on Cardiac Electrophysiologist recruitment!

What increased the demand for EP physicians? An increasing amount of patients desire specialist care. Electrophysiologists, meanwhile, are already swamped with a prevailing incidence of atrial fibrillation, particularly among the senior population. Along with biventricular defibrillators and lesion reintervention therapy, a majority of cardiology patients are electrophysiology candidates. “When recruiting EPs,” advised Mr. Broxterman, COO […]

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