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Why You Should Seek An Anesthesiology Locums Assignment

If you’re thinking about accepting an anesthesia assignment for your next locum tenens job, you will be pleased to learn about the many benefits you can experience in such roles.

An anesthesiologist wearing blue scrubs lowers a mask toward the camera where her patient presumably lies.

What Is Locum Tenens?

A locums physician temporarily holds a position, often while filling in for someone who is on vacation or medical leave. The goal in hiring a locum tenens physician is to cover shifts and provide continuity of quality care for the patients and staff.

Locum tenens work is becoming increasingly popular among medical professionals who desire a better work/life balance. For example, if you’re burned out from working full-time in your current position, you can switch to locums work to provide some variety and relief.

Why Medical Professionals Pursue Anesthesiology Careers

Anesthesiology is an extremely rewarding field. Physicians who work in this field of medicine are responsible for the safety and well-being of their patients before, during, and after surgery.

Locums anesthesiologists ensure that patients can breathe properly, and they also monitor cardiovascular performance to maintain blood pressure within normal limits during and after procedures.

Types of Anesthesia Locum Tenens Positions You Can Take

One of the biggest benefits of accepting a locum tenens assignment in the field of anesthesiology is the variety you get from working in different specialties. You can work one day assisting with cardiac surgery or take a few weeks off to work at an outpatient clinic.

When pursuing a locum tenens anesthesia job, it is important to know the options available. Some of the most popular openings for locum tenens work in anesthesia include the following positions.

An anesthesiologist looks at a blurred monitor depicting her patient’s vitals.


Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) play a vital role in providing anesthesia to the patients of surgeons, dentists, podiatrists, and more. In most cases, you will need to be certified by the National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetics (NBCRNA) in order to accept a CRNA position.

Physician Anesthesiologist

In this role, anesthesiologists are responsible for evaluating, monitoring, and supervising the care of patients receiving surgical care. Physician anesthesia jobs may also entail leadership over an anesthesia care team, when applicable.

What Is The Usual Pay For An Anesthesia Locum Tenens Physician?

You can expect highly competitive wages for a locum tenens position. The specific pay you’ll receive in this role depends on factors such as:

  • The duration of the position
  • The area in which you are working
  • The specific requirements of the job

Physician Assistant Anesthesia

These professionals provide assistance to a physician anesthesiologist, namely during treatment for pain management and surgery. They typically help review patients’ medical histories and ensure safety when administering anesthesia.

Locum Tenens Pediatric Anesthesiology

Pediatric anesthesiologists provide anesthesia care to children and infants; these positions require specialized training to ensure patient safety.

Benefits of Locum Tenens Anesthesiology Opportunities

Anyone can benefit from anesthesiology locum work. For example, if you’re interested in working as a physician assistant or nurse anesthetist, this would be a great way to gain valuable experience and help patients.

A locum anesthesiologist assignment provides numerous benefits, including financial security for you and your family, the chance to explore new locations, and freedom that lets you plan your future with confidence.

A patient lies on an operating table while an anesthesiologist lowers a breathing mask onto their face.

Competitive Compensation

Locums anesthesia work is a great option for newly-minted physicians who need to pay off student loans or anyone looking for additional income with no strings attached. Because these assignments are often short-term and require urgent fulfillment, the hourly compensation offered tends to be higher than what is offered for a full-time position.

Career Freedom

Another great benefit of accepting a locum tenens assignment as a physician is the flexibility. You can work a few hours per week or several full-time months depending on your needs and the availability of opportunities. Working a temporary anesthesiology assignment will give you the freedom to shift your career and broaden your professional horizons.

Great Professional Experience

Whether you are just entering the field or seeking new work opportunities, accepting a locum tenens anesthesia position can be a great way to get professional experience without a long-term commitment to a given position or practice.

Travel Opportunities

Locum tenens work often presents opportunities for travel. Some anesthesiologists enjoy experiencing metropolitan areas or rural regions. Housing may be provided in some cases, making relocation easier.

Low Potential for Complications

Anesthesiology is not an easy field, but compared to other areas of medicine such as surgery, anesthesia typically poses fewer risks for complications. Accepting a locum tenens position in this area usually results in low amounts of stress, which can promote a healthy work/life balance.

Healthy Patient Relationships

For the most part, anesthesiologists have limited direct interaction with patients, which may appeal to some professionals. When they do interact with their patients, anesthesiologists are a positive player in their treatment and recovery process, resulting in largely positive and healthy relationships.

What To Expect From An Anesthesia Locum Tenens Salary

Anesthesia locums roles provide competitive wages. You will need to consider specific listings and offerings to review current wage expectations, however, as they can vary substantially depending on where they are listed and the duration of the locum tenens position.

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